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NORA styrkur

Samstarfsverkefni Byggðasafns Skagfirðinga, Lofotr Vikingmuseum í Noregi og Kyle & Lochalsh Community Trust í Skotlandi, "Viking Networks & Young Adults", hlaut ríflega 8 milljón króna styrk (450.000 DKK) frá NORA (Nordic Atlantic Cooperation).
Um er að ræða verkefni til þriggja ára og er þetta fyrsta upphæðin af þremur sem verkefnið mun hljóta en samtals mun verkefnið hljóta um 25,3 milljón krónur (1.350.000 DKK) í styrk frá NORA yfir þessi þrjú ár.
Verkefnið byggir á sameiginlegri arfleifð landanna þriggja, sögu umræddra svæða og minja frá 11. öld. Sameiginlegt markmið safnanna er að finna lausnir við þeim áskorunum sem felast í sjálfbærri ferðamennsku og eflingu afskekktra svæða og byggða.
Hvert safn mun einnig vinna að sínum eigin markmiðum: Byggðasafn Skagfirðinga hyggst undirbúa uppgröft og uppbyggingu 11. aldar skála, Kyle og Lochalsh Community Trust hyggst byggja upp nýja sögusýningu og Lofotr víkingasafnið hyggst minnka kolefnisspor sitt. Söfnin þrjú munu þannig læra hvort af öðru og styrkja starfsemi hvors annars í gegnum þetta samstarf.
Við erum afar þakklát fyrir styrkinn og hlökkum til þessa spennandi samstarfs! 
Upplýsingar um NORA má finna hér: https://nora.fo/what-is-nora?_l=en
Stutt umfjöllun um samstarfsverkefnið: https://nora.fo/projects/project/331
The collaborative project between The Skagafjörður Heritage Museum, Lofotr Vikingmuseum in Norway and Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust in Scotland: "Viking Networks & Young Adults", received 450.000 DKK funding from NORA (Nordic Atlantic Cooperation).
This is a three year project and over the course of three years the project will receive a total of 1.350.000 DKK in funding from NORA.
The project takes its inspiration from the history of Viking exploration, settlement, and exchange between these three territories.
Through collaboration, the participating organisations will further their own individual objectives while also addressing various mutual challenges. We hope to find solutions to difficult questions around sustainable tourism, expanding local economies, and attracting younger generations to rural localities.
The main aspirations for these participants are as follows: Lofotr Vikingmuseum wishes to significantly reduce its carbon footprint; Skagafjörður Heritage Museum wishes to expand its offering to tourists by including new exhibits based on its local Viking history; and Kyle & Lochalsh Community Trust is working to develop an entirely new Viking "living museum". The three museums will get a chance to learn from each other and strengthen their organizations through this collaboration.
We are very grateful for this funding and look forward to an exciting collaboration! 
Information about NORA: https://nora.fo/what-is-nora?_l=en
A short description of the project: https://nora.fo/projects/project/331